Football, music, Coronation Street and Vimto are just some of the things Manchester is famous for (OK, that last one might not be quite so synonymous with the city, but you get the idea). To that you can now add gin, with a range of spirits that include raspberry infused pink gin and a Navy Strength 57% proof distillation guaranteed to warm you on even the rainiest Manc night.

With four to choose from — five if you’re lucky enough to get your hands on a bottle of the Manchester Gin Distillers Cut that was made specially for the Craft Gin Club — we’ve opted for their Signature blend, enticed by the use of dandelion and burdock root in the botanicals.

Made in the heart of the city, the company has three stills that in total produce only 500 bottles, with the dandelion and burdock foraged locally by hand providing the keystone of Signature (and all) their gins. Added to this are ten further botanicals including ground almond and liquorice root, along with lemon and orange.

The result is a creamy, peppery gin that is smooth on the palate but big in flavour. Juniper and citrus are predominant but there’s a subtle sweetness in there that nicely balances the bigger tastes. We’ve also tried the Raspberry Gin and the Wild Spirit and we can report that these guys have created quite a range of unique distillations. Match with our Rose blend or enhance the lemon and lime tones with our Citrus garnish to really get the most out of this Signature bottle.

Find out more about Manchester Gin, discover stockists or buy online at

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